Blog: Crossroads Style

March 14th, 2016 by Melanie Sutrathada Spring Clean Your Closet in 4 Easy Steps

The weather is changing and that means it’s time for our closets to get a much-needed makeover (so you can do more shopping, of course!). Leave your excuses at the door and get started on spring cleaning today!

Here are four easy steps for spring cleaning your closet:

Spring Cleaning

1. Make a big pile.
Put everything in your closet on the floor​. ​ Yes, really. As terrifying and overwhelming as this may sound, it’s the best way to really see how much stuff you’ve collected​. There’s nothing quite as motivating as a pile that’s five feet tall and threatening to topple over.

2. Grab some bags and boxes.
Find three giant garbage bags or boxes for separating your unwanted clothing​ and label them​ sell, donate and toss.

3. Divide and conquer.
Hold each piece and ask yourself, “does this make me happy?” If the answer is no, or if you have to really think about it, it’s time to toss whatever you’re holding into one of the bins you put out in step 2.

4. Put everything back and organize accordingly.
One of my favorite ways to organiz​e is​ by season or style and then color​. For example, place all of your work blouses together and then sort them from light to dark.


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